Appendix D

Aktuelle Artikel - aktuelle Entwicklung

Dr. Hartmut Hopp - May 2006 - Karibik - Geldwäsche

Juan Manuel Guillermo Contreras Sepulveda - inhaftiert

Paul Schäfer - zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt


Folter und Morde bestätigt - Amnesty gewinnt Prozess

amnesty journal November 2006

Nürnberger Menschenrechtszentrum


Michael Townley:

In January 2005, Michael Townley, who now lives in the USA under witness protection program, acknowledged to agents of Interpol Chile links between DINA and the detention and torture center Colonia Dignidad 1, which was founded in 1961 by Paul Schäfer, a Nazi accused of child-abuse and torture, arrested in March 2005 in Buenos Aires. Townley also revealed information about Colonia Dignidad and the Army's Laboratory on Bacteriological War. This last laboratory would have replaced the old DINA's laboratoy on Via Naranja de lo Curro street, where Michael Townley worked with the chemical assassin Eugenio Berríos. The toxin that allegedly killed Christian-democrat Eduardo Frei Montalva may have been made in this new lab in Colonia Dignidad, according to the judge investigating the case.

Paul Schäfer - 2005:
Mitte März 2005 gelang den argentinischen Behörden die Festnahme des Leiters der im Süden Chiles gelegenen Deutschen-Siedlung Colonia Dignidad. Bereits einen Tag später wurde er an Chile überstellt. Dem seit 1997 flüchtigen 83-jährigen Paul Schäfer wird zur Last gelegt, in der sektenähnlich organisierten Siedlung vor allem während der Pinochet-Diktatur Menschenrechtsverletzungen begangen zu haben. Außerdem habe er das Anwesen dem Militärregime als Lager für die Inhaftierung, Folterung und Hinrichtung von Dissidenten zur Verfügung gestellt. Erst Mitte November 2004 hatte ihn ein chilenisches Gericht in Abwesenheit wegen des sexuellen Missbrauchs von 26 Kindern verurteilt. Neben Schäfer wurden gegen 22 weitere chilenische und deutsche Sektenmitglieder Haftstrafen bis zu fünf Jahren verhängt.

1985 gelang Georg und Lotti Packmor die Flucht aus der Colonia. Weil die deutsche Botschaft gute Kontakte zu Schäfer hatte, flüchteten sie in die Vertretung Kanadas, die ihnen die Ausreise ermöglichte.

Ende 1997 flohen zwei Männer aus der südchilenischen Deutschensiedlung "Colonia Dignidad". Tobias Müller Altvogt und sein chilenischer Freund Zalo Luna nutzten die Gelegenheit, als die Wächter durch ein Fest abgelenkt waren. Es gelang ihnen, im strömenden Regen ihren Verfolgern zu entkommen. Die Bewohner eines nahegelegenen Dorfes versteckten sie, und 24 Stunden später waren sie auf dem Gelände der deutschen Botschaft in Santiago in Sicherheit. Vor ihrer Ausreise sagten sie vor den chilenischen Behörden aus.

Operation Condor:

Wikipedia Search Results:
Investigations by Amnesty International and the Chilean National Commission for Truth and Reconciliation Report have verified that Colonia Dignidad was used by DINA, the Chilean secret police, as a concentration camp for the detention and torture of political prisoners during Augusto Pinochet's dictatorial rule of Chile. Most accounts have this happening between 1973 and 1977 but precise dates are not known.
The son of DINA head Manuel Contreras claims that his father and Pinochet visited Colonia Dignidad in 1974, and that his father and Schäfer were good friends. The current leader of Villa Baviera admits that torture took place within the old colony, but says that Villa Baviera is a new entity.
In March 2005, former DINA agent Michael Townley acknowledged to links between Colonia Dignidad and DINA, as well as relations with the Bacteriological War Army Laboratory. He would have spoken about biological experiments imposed to detainees, with the help of the fore-mentioned laboratory and another one, that used to be situated on Via Naranja de lo Curro Street [1].
In 2005 Gisela Seewald, a female german, who arrived in Colonia Dignidad in 1963, confessed according to Judge Jorge Zepeda, that she applied psychiatric treatment against children, because Schäfer assured her they were possessed.

Ongoing investigations
In 2003, Argentine Federal Judge Maria Servini de Cubria asked Chile for the extradition of Mariana Callejas (formerly Townley's wife), who was accused of Carlos Prats' murder. But Chilean Judge Nibaldo Segura of the Court of Appeals refused in July 2005, arguing that Callejas was already being tried in Chile.
Questioned in March 2005 by Judge Alejandro Madrid about ex-president Eduardo Frei Montalva's death, Michael Townley acknowledged links between Colonia Dignidad, led by ex-Nazi Paul Schäfer, and DINA on one side, and the Laboratorio de Guerra Bacteriologica del Ejercito (Bacteriological War Army Laboratory) on the other side. It is suspected that the toxin that killed Frei Montalva in a Santa Maria clinic in 1982 was created there. This new laboratory in Colonia Dignidad would have been, according to him, the continuation of the laboratory that the DINA had in Via Naranja de lo Curro, where he worked with chemist Eugenio Berríos. Townley would also have testified on biological experiments made upon the prisoners in Colonia Dignidad with the help of the two above-mentionned laboratories [5].


Rebeca Schäfer:
(12. 01. 2007)
Hija de Paul Schaefer es dejada en libertad

Tribunal concede libertad provisional a hija adoptiva de Paul Schaefer